Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wedding Invitation Template No Gifts

disobedience to the closure of a Social Centre


A night of singing, music, clownsidades and rebellion.

Call for the construction of the CSO chorus Barrick, only requirement is like singing. First drop of 7 to 8 pm.
invite you in solidarity with Barrika because the town is threatening to venirlo-seal (close) and as an act of disobedience we have decided to continue our political and cultural activities, so your support is needed

Barrika not closing

Zapatistas Friday screening of the documentary 29 brasil "landless" MST after 8 pm. HOPE YOU

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tv Show Proposal, Sample


text of
The xemeneia of Can Ricart is the Confiança weeded month financera.

Fa més d’un any i mig que la pàgina web de la plataforma Salvem Can Ricart està “silenciada”.
Alguns individus que tant s’omplien la boca amb la defensa del patrimoni arquitectònic, com en Joan Roca i en Salvador clarós, des de llavors resten muts. No tant sols se’ls hi va menjar la llengua el gat, a més a més, en la última bogada, van “perdre” el llençol on custodiaven el llistat d’adreces electròniques del miler llarg d’accionistes de la companyia ciutadana que varem crear. D’aquesta manera i amb la indiferència hipòcrita de l’A.V.V. de Poblenou van evitar que a la gent que havia pagat diners per to be informed of the developments could make them aware of the demolition of the site. Viewing the

Joan Roca, director of the very new municipal museum of history and Salvador Clarós drill for the electoral initiative, we need not be too clever to draw conclusions. There are
muti Forum at him "that say it all.
also heard the voice of genes director of Hangar, "Sir" Pedro Soler: His silences are too addicted to outrage modesty public subsidies suffered some self-called artists. And as quiet
who gives, who starred in the brazen quintacolumnisme (remember the affair INSIDE with Indra and 22 @ Nest Hangar and more, for example), it is necessary accomplice who claimed to want to avoid demolition.
The change was a few sides of the petrol excavators demolition Benjumea SA

Now, surrounded by financial wreck the ships of a homeless group that was unique in Europe, seen as chimney of the old factory they might fall over during the next wind.
An architectural element of the importance of Can Ricart chimney should not be abandoned to their fate without legal consequences.
We are forced to repeat that in the current penal code, the destruction of heritage is a crime, even if only for a chimney.

Left to right some of those responsible (for action or omission) of chaos:

Tresserras and Gaju Joan Manuel, Minister of Culture and Media of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Joan Roca, director of the recent municipal museum of history of BCN.

Pedro Soler, director of Hangar.

Clarós Salvador, member of the Association of Neighbours Poblenou, and was president of it since 2001 and during the years he ruled the neighborhood and even the destruction the transformation of crude that we suffer now.

Narvaez, politician, former guard town, district councilor st. Martin.

The hounds of hypocrites who (under pressure documentary backed by university professors, SOS monuments, etc.) were forced to declare BCIN (Cultural Asset of National Interest) the entire industrial site, continue by performing a fraud law. Its function is still neglect of the duty judge. If

from AVV Can Ricart creiessim tinguesim in the judicial system and the money needed to be able to complaints, we've already gone to court with a lot of good photos and documents.
But as is given the two previous requirements, we can only use this blog modest tool to exercise the right and left to witness pataleig current chaos in the hope that voters in the upcoming elections and History may judge them all.

Given the brutality of urban institutions to the Mafia, to the neoliberal policy of the council of Barcelona not forget or forgive!

graffiti mural Poblenou seen: there is still graffiti in the city clean uncivil. FoSi if not for them and have them as our urban cotidia?

bomb hotel sailing .....
Psssst, psssst, Saturday recorded the video of the song of summer (it happens)

and also against sardine Hotel Vela.

Why not let this be the last summer the beach of San Sebastian.

Saturday 16, + sardines - hotels, sardines for everyone, no candle to the hotel.

From 11.30 in the morning until sunset ... presentation of the campaign to bomb Hotel Vela.

morning program from 1130: Installation on the beach, presentation of the campaign, exhibition materials and vermouth
At 1400 (more or less): sardines against / to Hotel Vela
At 1600:: dance rehearsal on the song of the summer

At 1630: Recorded Video Download

The information pack on the web site knows more sailing: Hotel Vela, port and urban wild

The event feisbuc: = 82118514491 & ref = mf

Follow us on twitter:

(If you come to the sardine, if you can, tell us, for we know how many sardines fishing;)