Monday, December 15, 2008

Good Orthopedic Doctor In Pittsburgh

Carpio_ text


space SL9
Piazza San Lorenzo, 9, low-left. 34800 Aguilar de Campo. Palencia
responsible for this project: YOLANDA MORENO

mid November 2008 takes shape the idea of \u200b\u200bturning a small window of a house into an exhibition space for graphic works and audio-visual. The window of small size, can not be opened and further protected by a sturdy fence. This project takes its name space and comes with a SL9 spirit of independent management, bringing its line of action in the field of the conceptual. It is a purely artistic and non-profit.

The work, which sets will be made specifically for this space, having integrated into its concept and resolution characteristics and connotations of the same: transparency, closure, prohibition, display, confession ...

SL9 space is proposed:

1. Manage space-window, showing their own works and those of other artists from different backgrounds. The window will renew its contents on the first Monday of each month, will keep for three weeks and closed the fourth week in order to prepare the next sample. During the exposure time, the window will be video-monitored and may use the images collected in future work. Of this detail informs the public through a small sign on the glass.

2. Find alternative spaces and / or complementary if the artistic and pointed.

3. Artistic interventions in public space.

4. Collaborate without leaving their own line of work, cultural activities carried out in the municipality of Aguilar de Campo and others.

The costs of returning the works will be covered up to a maximum of 30 euros by the organization, in agreement with the same on the type of transport used. SL9 space

give more coverage and publicity as possible about the activities undertaken. Also, provide documentation on these activities at:

SL9 space is located in the Plaza de San Lorenzo, 9, low-left. Aguilar de Campo, and is a project of Yolanda Moreno-visual artist who lives in this county for three years.


Pancreatitus In Dogs, How It Happens

SL9 space base dimensions of the window + photos


exterior and interior views of the window

useful spatial dimensions of the window (in cms.)

(click on image to enlarge)


Will Camera Flash Affect The Vision Of Infant

tab to open in January projects


- Name

- Mailing address, email and phone

- Resume or description of the career staff

- Project description for the organization

- Scheme and particulars relevant to the placement of the piece, shipping weight and transportation provided to send.

- Double text on the meaning and concept of the work to prepare hand information to the public. The first is a professional text and the second will be a basic text so you can understand the piece any person without an artistic-cultural training.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thick Extra Long Scarf

imagen_ yolanda brown to SL9 space